
You've found the small part of the internet I call my home(page), sorry for the old man sense of humor, only a little bit. I'm still new to learning html and it probably won't look fancy for a long time but that's okay because this page is for me it can be hard these days to separate ourselves from the want to appeal to others, to make things because we want others to enjoy them, to see them, and engage with them. I really do want to try to make something just for me, something somewhere where I can leave a mark that is truly my own. Who knows maybe someone in the future will find this place long after I'm gone and they'll in some way get to meet me all the same. Hello future reader, and hello future me.

For now I have no real plans for this space, I'll likely connect some webpages I frequent and I do want to use it as a sort of games and anime bucketlist. Games and anime have helped me get through most of my life and it's hard for me to see games from my youth that are no longer available, or that have gone entirely offline. Things I've always wanted to achieve or experience are now entirely outside my grasp without the use of emulation and private servers which can be a bit tricky to navigate for someone less computer literate like myself. So I want to try to take the time to enjoy games to their fullest and watch the animes I never got around to in my youth.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!